Donald Heinz Obituary, Death – DONALD F. HEINZ, ESQ. is an attorney. On May 18, 2014, in the city of Petoskey, Michigan, Donald F. Heinz passed away at the age of 75 years old. He has his roots in the town of Hemlock. On the Saturday, May 24, 2014 at 2:00 pm, there will be a memorial service held at the Zion Lutheran Church in Freeland, Michigan. Pastor Robert Schmidt will serve as the one in charge of presiding over the event.
The family will meet and welcome friends beginning at one in the afternoon at the church, where they will remain until the start of the funeral. Donald’s birthday is February 2nd, and he was born in the year 1939 in the city of Manistique, which is located in the state of Michigan. He went to Manistique Catholic School and spent his boyhood in the Manistique and Gulliver areas of Michigan, which is also where he acquired his formal education.
Don joined the Merchant Marines after graduating from high school, and then served for a while on the Great Lakes, before to enlisting in the United States Army. During this period, he was able to gain some experience sailing. In 1993, he decided to pursue retirement and quit his job at Saginaw Steering Gear. On January 31, 1998, the wedding took place in Hemlock, which is where the couple ultimately decided to make their home as a married couple. Sandy Scott was the bride’s name before she married. After he had reached retirement age, the couple packed up their belongings and relocated to Indian River. They spend the winters in the Florida city of Sebring, which is in the state of Florida. It was well known that Don had a large circle of friends.